Hello again! One week ago my Aunt Kerry and cousin Finn came to visit from Portland, OR. Here's my five minute interview with Aunt Kerry.
Favorite color: Tropical blue green. Her toe nails were painted this color.
Favorite food: Cheese. Her preferred cheese is stinky cheese. (Did I mention she is very funny.)
Favorite countries: Thailand and Mexico.
Favorite juice: Fresh mango pineapple juice from Mexico.
Favorite condiment: Duck sauce and ketchup. Not together I hope.
Favorite store: Anthropologie which sells clothes and jewelery.
New name if she could pick: Monique. [Note from the mom...this has been Kerry's favorite new name since high school!]
If she could compete in an Olympic sport it would be: Winter Olympics...the one where you ski and shoot. Summer Olympics...high dive.
The most boring thing she's ever done: Go to a Pink Flloyd concert
The most exciting thing she's ever done: Give birth to her son Ian in front of firefighters at home in a bed.
Favorite mythical creature: Big foot
USA or Japan: USA

Kid or grownup: Grownup
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Angel or Devil: Angel
Did she like her interview? Yes!  
I miss Kerry and Finn already.

Peace and love Rowan :)
ps would you like to be interviewed? let me know in the comments!