Hello again! One week ago my Aunt Kerry and cousin Finn came to visit from Portland, OR. Here's my five minute interview with Aunt Kerry.
Favorite color: Tropical blue green. Her toe nails were painted this color.
Favorite food: Cheese. Her preferred cheese is stinky cheese. (Did I mention she is very funny.)
Favorite countries: Thailand and Mexico.
Favorite juice: Fresh mango pineapple juice from Mexico.
Favorite condiment: Duck sauce and ketchup. Not together I hope.
Favorite store: Anthropologie which sells clothes and jewelery.
New name if she could pick: Monique. [Note from the mom...this has been Kerry's favorite new name since high school!]
If she could compete in an Olympic sport it would be: Winter Olympics...the one where you ski and shoot. Summer Olympics...high dive.
The most boring thing she's ever done: Go to a Pink Flloyd concert
The most exciting thing she's ever done: Give birth to her son Ian in front of firefighters at home in a bed.
Favorite mythical creature: Big foot
USA or Japan: USA

Kid or grownup: Grownup
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Angel or Devil: Angel
Did she like her interview? Yes!  
I miss Kerry and Finn already.

Peace and love Rowan :)
ps would you like to be interviewed? let me know in the comments!
Today I interviewed Julz Wilson, my mom's long time friend. They have known each other since my mom was 4 and she was 5. She is married to Paul Wilson and has 2 kids. Their names are Adam (16) and Erica (13). Julz' favorite kind of coffee is a Tim Horton's medium double double. She also told me she is addicted to it. She lives in Brockport, New York. She has a pet yorkie her name is Millie. She has had glasses since second grade and really likes her red ones. She has a career in teaching. She teaches fourth grade. She is Democratic, with a capital D. Her favorite book is The Secret Life of Bees. If she could have one meal for the rest of her life it would be her Thanksgiving Dinner. Her favorite color is green and she likes giraffes and hippos. Her favorite day of the week is Friday. She also told me she liked being interviewed by me. I think Julz is nice and funny.
Peace and Love:) Rowan