Portville Drive In, Portville, NY
The Portville Drive In is great for outdoor movies. But for me it's known for something else too. There's two screens: Screen number one has best view of the movie, but screen number two is closer to the place with the best french fries. When you go in it looks like a ordinary place for food and drinks. They sell popcorn, all kinds of candy, and of course french fries. They look like normal french fries. Take it from me, they're not. Me and my mom love french french fries, so we make a top ten list. I's very hard to get on the list, but the Portville Drive In deserves it. I am proud to present that the Portville Drive In french fries are our number one french fry we've ever tasted! A five star french fry has been announced! So what makes it five star? Well...it's just one of a kind. I've tried many different crinkle cuts but let's just say there soft and floury in the inside but hard and crispy on the outside. I say everybody who likes french fries, go down to the NY Portville Drive In and try them. Trust me you won't regret it. :D
Peace out! Trinity 
Kat Mama
6/9/2012 03:54:41 am

Trinity, I love your review! Can't wait to hear about the other top five candidates. I have never tasted the Portville Drive-In's french fries, but now I have no choice but to go there. :)

Courtney Blackmon
6/11/2012 02:13:43 am

I agree Trin, these are the best fries around WNY!

Aunt Kerry
6/11/2012 09:17:51 am

Everytime I eat a French fry, I think about you and your mom.

Jonanna (friends with Aunt Kerry)
6/11/2012 10:06:38 am

OK, this totally made me want french fries. If you ever come to Oregon, you should make your Aunt Kerry take you to Burgerville and check out their fries. They're my faves. Thanks for sharing!

Uncle Brendan
6/11/2012 12:58:32 pm

I love some good french fries! You make these sound really great! Maybe we can go to the Portville Drive-in when Deirdre and I come to visit in August, at the same time as Kerry and her boys!

Do you like to put a ton of ketchup on your fries, like I do????

Aunt Kerry
6/12/2012 04:40:30 am

Uncle Brendan, I did not know you and Deirdre are going to be there the same time as Finn and me. (Ian will not be joining us.) See you 8/5-8/9.

YES on the drive-in! French fries for everyone!

Aunt Kathy
6/13/2012 07:40:26 am

Hi Trin. You might not know it, but you have some cousin french fry lovers on the west coast also. My favorites are the sweet potato fries I make in my own oven. The grandkids like them also, but only with lots of ketchup!

mary lou neill
6/14/2012 08:35:28 pm

french fries are the best. now you have me thinking about where to go for some good ones. At this time of year, the Jersey Shore area is the place,,,,,so.....next week, after my friend and I go to the swim club, we are going on the hunt for some ff, maybe at Walt's, 2nd chapter on Tuesday

lance brennan
6/26/2012 08:04:54 am

I am very excited to go to Attard's now to try their fries. They look Yummy, but with your description sound even better. Have you had Jordan's fry pile in their dipping sauce? Also tell your mom that you need to visit Kerry Ireland and visit Josie's in Co. Kerry.

Mr. Miller
10/24/2012 07:47:03 am

Who would have guessed the Portville Drive-In would have the #1 French Fry? I can't wait for it to open next season so I can try them. Awesome article Trinity!


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