Pallas with Lucy.
Sparky being snugglish with Uncle Kevin.
Sparky and Uncle Kevin fighting. Sideways.
I have three kitties. Sparky and Uncle Kevin are so cute snuggling together. The video is funny when they fight. Because they tackle. Uncle Kevin and Sparky always get along. Except when they're fighting. I like Sparky because he's snugglish. I mean bitey. He hunts for birds and mice and other stuff. He plays and he sees Wild Cat. I like Uncle Kevin because he fights with Lucy. He is also snugglish. Every cat is snugglish. Even Sparky. With people. And then he bites them. I love Uncle Kevin because is so cute. He looks like a bunny. His ears are my favorite. My favorite kitty is Lucy. She nibbles on my head. That's it. 
Aunt Kerry
1/22/2013 01:51:12 am

Uncle Kevin totally got schooled by Sparky in that video. Maybe Uncle Kevin should take karate lessons with you guys.


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