Chester A. Arthur was the 21st president. He was born October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont. He was a Republican. He was in office from September 20, 1881 to March 3, 1885. He had no vice president. He was married to nobody. I know you're thinking--who was the first lady? It was Mary Arthur McElroy, his sister. Sadly he died on November 18, 1886. He was the first president to hire a personal servant. Arthur had more than 80 pairs of pants and changed several times a day. He dedicated the Washington Monument on February 21,1885. After he took office he learned he had kidney disease but he kept it a secret. I think he was a very brave man because even though he had kidney disease he managed to survive one term as a president. He truly was an amazing president.
Uncle Brendan
6/22/2012 01:14:21 pm

Thanks for all the interesting info about President Arthur. I like how the presidents are called POTUS. Did you know the Secret Service agents call the president they serve by their number? Mr Obama is #44. Mr Clinton was #42. Your Mr Arthur was #21. Abraham Lincoln was #16. I think that numbering is sort of cool.

6/24/2012 08:34:41 am

Thank you for telling me that interesting fact!!

Crazy Cat Lady
7/3/2012 12:56:59 am

80 pairs of pants!!!???!!! That's nuts!


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