view from balcony
Struthers Library Theater in Warren, Pa

In October my family headed down to Warren, PA to see a play called The King and I. We went to see the play because our great friend Ellen was the lead in it! She was I. We drove to the theater after some good pizza at her house. At the entrance we looked at a map and decided to watch from the balcony. As you can see, it was an amazing view.
As I was admiring the room I looked up and saw a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the room.I lit up the whole theater. It definitely caught my eye.
(there is also a view in picture #1) 
Pallas's dress
Of course we were dressed up, but as always Pallas went a little farther.She kept asking to go up to the top row, and as always, she got to go up.
us on balcony
Watching the show was fun. We got to sit in the first row of the balcony! The play was about a English teacher goes to a new faraway place to teach. Well...there is a king at this place and the king has strict rules. and the teacher is helping them learn her ways but the king does not approve and everyone in the room is wondering: Will she leave?
Ellen and her cast member
The show was awesome! After the show I ran down to the stage to say hi to Ellen.Then sadly it was time to go.I loved the play and want to go back.

Peace out! :D,

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