A few years ago we started a garden with our family friend Dave. I planted many different things such as potatoes,tomatoes, eggplants, and much more. But this year I planted herbs. I never planted herbs before. It's kind of cool--there are so many! Basil, parsley, cilantro, oregano, and thyme are some examples. But if you're going to garden you're going to get dirty.
For me I got very dirty because it just rained, but I would do it on a cool, sunny day. If you buy herbs from a store, you have to dig a deep hole and get dirty! An easy way to get the the plant out of the pot or whatever is holding it is to squeeze it twice upside down, put your hand on the top of the soil, and let the plant drop into your hand.
Gardening for me is one of my favorite things to do. Doing herbs is fun because I get to plant them and then eat them. (I sometimes don't get to plant some because Dave plants them when I'm not home.) But I love everything you do in gardening, even weeding. There' s no better vegetable or fruit than ones you grow yourself. And I say try it! It's something really fun to do. :D

Peace out! Trinity
Uncle Brendan
6/22/2012 01:08:27 pm

I like your herbs! I used to love to help my Dad, your grandpa, weeding in the garden when I was a little kid, in that same garden area you plant in now. These days, I don't plant any herbs, but I love to cook with fresh herbs! I love to use cilantro and oregano and basil and garlic! Lots and lots of garlic. Whoopee! Maybe when Deirdre and I come to visit in August, I can cook something using your herbs. That would be fun.

6/25/2012 01:20:11 am

Trin, that's really cool that you are learning about herbs. I've been doing a lot of research about herbs this year too, especially something called "companion planting". What that means is that some plants grown best when you put them next to certain other plants in the garden. So for example, basil is really good to plant next to tomatoes and peppers. Companion planting is cool because the herbs can make your veggies taste better just by growing them next to each other and they keep away certain kinds of bugs or attract the good ones (some bugs are really good for plants!). It's pretty neat.

You are totally right, everything tastes better when you grow it yourself!

Crazy Cat Lady
7/3/2012 12:51:59 am

Trin, thank you for the wonderful garden tour the other day. I had no idea kale salad was so delicious!


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